enterprise cloud adoption

Last month we published an article in which we presented the results of several recent surveys on the expected benefits and real outcomes of cloud adoption in companies. As you might remember, we even ran our own modest survey, having asked our clients and webpage visitors to share their experience with us. Now, finally, we also have a very beautiful infographic …

enterprise chatbots

Continuing the topic started last week, this week I would like to show you how these little lightweight programs called chatbots are taking their own place within organizations, doing no less than increasing employees productivity and streamlining business processes. From the “simple” consumer space to the enterprise Currently, chatbots are very popular in the consumer space. From the business perspective, …

chatbot applications

Chatbots in itself are by far not a new phenomenon. The generally recognized first chatbot appeared as early as in 1966. It had a name ELIZA and responded largely by rephrasing questions posed to it. 60s-80s saw a few more bots, but the actual popularity came to bots from mid 90s onwards. They appeared mostly in chats like ICQ, Yahoo, …

moving to the cloud

Last week we talked about expectations that companies usually have about moving to the cloud and whether these expectations are eventually met afterwards. This week, as promised, we’re publishing an interview with a person who comes from a completely non-cloud area and is running now a 100% cloud-based company. He’s going to share his thoughts on the security issues, advantages …

integration platform as a service

In the modern business world, it’s all about automation. It starts with such simple tasks as how to send out automated emails and goes way beyond automatic exchange of data between enterprise systems of record or systems of engagements. When it comes to complex automated data exchange scenarios, there are various tools that IT typically uses to enable this: ESBs, …

Manage multiple applications

Ok, you probably did hear about these ways. However, you might be not quite aware of their most obvious advantages and drawbacks. Whether you are a non-developer seeking ways to connect two disparate SaaS “programs” or a product manager looking for an integration solution that would fit your company’s needs, I hope that you can use the points below as …

Shadow IT background

Thanks to the cloud computing, the ever-growing number of cloud-based services and products and changes in pricing models (subscription-based and pay-per-use models), it became considerably easier to buy software, which meant it’s growing accessibility. This is sometimes called democratization of IT: Software applications are considerably easier and quicker to access than before.

ERP and eCommerce integration

In the last blog post, I promised an interview with Christoph Batik from Keynet, our partner and an eCommerce agency offering all-round services for online shops on the basis of Shopware and Commercetools. I wanted to find out how much difference it really makes – using an iPaaS for an eCommerce agency’s integration issues. Keynet plans, designs and builds various …