Lookup Table

Convert various data from and into different tables with the Lookup Table integration connector

Programming language:


Current state:


Provider of the connector:


Type of license:

Apache 2.0


The full name of the Lookup Table connector is ‘Lookup From Table’. As the name suggests, you can use this component to convert various data such as greeting forms, gender, and other attributes from different tables. It’s important to know, though, that you will need to parse the tables as a CSV.

About Lookup Table integration connector

This is elastic.io’s own connector to work with all other connectors in your integration workflows. It was developed specifically for the elastic.io platform and it comes with the platform by default.

At the moment, the Lookup Table integration connector only supports the action functionality. This means that you cannot select it as the first step of your integration flow. You can only use this connector to execute a certain event. In this particular case, the component takes a table to lookup from, a table to translate to, and an input value to translate.

Follow the Documentation link above to find what you need to do to set it up. You will also find there the expected input and output metadata.

This connector is under the Apache license. This means that you can clone it and enhance it yourself to include more functionalities out of the box. Alternatively, you can contact our pre-sales team at ps[at]elastic.io if you prefer our developers to extend the Lookup Table integration connector for you.

Lookup Table integration_screenshot

PLEASE NOTE:You need to be registered on the elastic.io integration platform in order to use the Lookup Table integration connector. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial here.