iPaaS vs. Enterprise Service Bus

Recently, I came across a statement that ESB, as opposed to iPaaS, was developed for access administration to obsolete, legacy systems (by definition on-premise ones). Indeed, the term ‘enterprise service bus’ allegedly made its appearance in 2002, while cloud computing basically arrived together with Salesforce in 1999, or so they say. So, it might seem as if ESB was indeed …

IoT System Integration Meets iPaaS: What 4 Features Are Essential

In my last article, I indicated that an iPaaS (integration platform as a service) can be a good fit for IoT-related integration projects based on the fact that most IoT services have an API.While I continue holding to this position, there is another perspective on the connection between IoT and iPaaS uttered by Gartner in their research note “IoT Drives …

Quick video tutorial: How to create an elastic.io integration component in only four steps

Olga Annenko integration best practices

Script: If this is for the first time that we create a new elastic.io integration component, we need to create a new team first. In this particular team, there is currently only one member named Igor Drobiazko. Next step is to create a new repository for our elastic.io integration component. The repository will be assigned to our nearly created team. Now we …

integration platform as a service

In the modern business world, it’s all about automation. It starts with such simple tasks as how to send out automated emails and goes way beyond automatic exchange of data between enterprise systems of record or systems of engagements. When it comes to complex automated data exchange scenarios, there are various tools that IT typically uses to enable this: ESBs, …

saas integration

Summary 2015/2016 is seeing a shift in the business model of SaaS implementation partners. Some of them are moving from offering purely individual implementation and integration projects to adding integration as a service in form of integration marketplaces to their portfolios. As it is with any other recent trends and shifts in SaaS industry, it is essential for SaaS implementation …

eventual consistency

elastic.io platform connects and keeps different systems in synch using their APIs. All this is done despite their different hierarchical structures with inter-object dependencies, different data types and different locations. It would seem to be an impossible task to achieve, especially in the current distributed computer systems where the problem of common state or consistency can really hamper the success …

communication between microservices

We interviewed one of our platform users Dan Bruce, CTO and co-founder of mobile FinTech startup Albert about how they established communication between microservices within 15 minutes. Albert helps freelancers create invoices as easily and as quickly as possible, all for free. “Invoicing is now as easy as email.” What problem did you have that you wanted to solve with …

Manage multiple applications

Ok, you probably did hear about these ways. However, you might be not quite aware of their most obvious advantages and drawbacks. Whether you are a non-developer seeking ways to connect two disparate SaaS “programs” or a product manager looking for an integration solution that would fit your company’s needs, I hope that you can use the points below as …